Saturday, September 11, 2010

Holy Shin Splints!!!

I set out tonight to run w/ Kuma (ooops... forgot to go lastnight :X) tonight. I intended to run a bit longer than the night before and slowly shorten my walk times/length. However, I barely made it 1.5 miles and came home.. I am in PAIN!! Holy Shin Splints!! YIKES!! I guess it's a good thing I am not going again til Monday b/c I'm not sure I could go running again tomorrow.

running boy Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

couch to 5K... maybe not!

So I have been doing the ct5k program and have stopped before week 3 several times and then wait a couple weeks and start running again only to start over @ week 1. This time I figured I am NOT falling into that habit again so started Monday with week 2 day 3 and set out tonight w/ the intent of running the week 3 day 1 times. I set the program timer on my app on my phone, put in my earplugs for the mp3 player and set out. After the 5 min warm up I started jogging/running. And after making it quite far (ran thru a whole song and a good part of the way into the next) it hit me, I have gone way more than the starting 90 sec jog followed by 90s walk (2 times each, then 3 min jog 2 min walk) so I start to walk and look @ my phone...crap! I bumped it and turned off the app! So I set goals based on songs/ marked points in the route I took and I did way better w/out the app. I ran a whole song, walked 3-4 houses, ran the rest of that sing and the next & repeated for 45 min. It felt great! I am quite sore b/c if pushing it so hard but can't wait to go run again Friday. And Kuma is slowly turning into a great running partner. She needs out for walks and enjoys it more and more and I love the quiet of running @ night and spending time w/ my crazy dog. The 5K in December may not be such a crazy idea after all

** update**
I drove the path that I ran yesterday.. I averaged .4 miles joggin and .1 miles walking in between jogging for 2.8 miles!! YAY! I did much better w/out the program than with it so think tomorrow when I go again I'll stick w/ my own program.

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's been a while

but I'm back....

Ok since we have orders to sunny Fl coming up soon, I am going to get in shape!! Tonight I start running again. I am planning to run 3 days a week to start out and go to the gym 2-3 times a week as well. I cannot wait!! I HAVE to loose some of this weight and be a healthier, happier me and I wanna do it before the chaos of the move begins.

I will be paying my fee in the next few days to run this....

Monday, April 12, 2010

After taking the weekend off, I went to the track again tonight. :::sigh::: I wish Eric was still here to help me!
First we attempted after picking up the girls from school, but once Anne and I got to the base, we found 20+ Marines out running/playing football (football field in middle of track) so decided not to run at that point because we were pretty positive that all those Marines did NOT want two women and 4 little girls running on the track to dodge. So we went back...w/ another friend (Brandy) and 3 more kids tonight. Did another 30 min run (still working on the CT5K program) and as much as I felt great out there running, it just didn't do it for me like Fri night w/ Eric. We ran/jogged MUCH slower than I did w/ him and didn't really get the exercise I was hoping for out of it. So I'm thinking I either need a new running buddy or need to just go alone (w/ my trio of monkey's in tow) because at this rate, I definitely won't be running in June.
So I need to figure it out..and soon!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I have decided to do a 5k... holy crap what's wrong w/ me!?!?!?!?.... and rather than bore everyone w/ the details on face book or my regular blog, I'm doing it here.
A week ago my friend Brandy asked me to start the Couch to 5K program w/ her. I've wanted to do this, and on more than one occasion have informed Eric I was going to, so figured now that I have a friend to help motivate me, I'll really do it. So I agreed and yet here we are, over a week later, and still not started. When we had first talked about it Brandy informed me she had been looking but couldn't find a 5k anytime soon, so I told her I'd help look. On Wed. I was so excited to walk into the dance studio both our girls go to and find a flier for a 5k coming up in June!!! I told her about it and that I wanted to pay to run (different prices to run vs walk)..and was informed she wants to walk :::sigh::: I refuse to walk if I'm going to 'train' to run a 5k. So I bugged friends Anne & Karen..Anne wants to walk too if she's doing it, but Karen agreed to run..YAY!! So that night we started going to the gym and have done the gym or ran @ the track every night since. The first 2 nights I was tired, but not at all sore afterwards. It felt great to be out doing something, and not sitting on my butt at home.
Last night, however, was not so easy. I figured since Eric leaves Sun for 2 months in Pensacola, Fl @ school I'd have him go w/ me before he goes. WOW!! That was a mistake lol. We put the girls in the jogging stroller and Curtiss ran along w/ us (that kid ran over a 1.5 miles!!!) and we followed the CT5K program (there's an AP on my cell that dings at me to run/walk/etc so it worked out great). I jogged @ Eric's pace the whole time. We joked that he's worse than a drill instructor lol. For a good part of the time I had him on one side of me encouraging me to keep up and not quit, and the other side of me was a buddy of his from work who just happened to be at the track at that time, also encouraging me. They were great, tho a bit annoying ;) I am stoked I could keep up w/ Eric, and hope to keep up that pace to reach my goal of running this thing by mid-June.

I am hoping to not only run this 5k, but also work towards a much healthier, happier me in the process. The kids were so excited to be out last night at the track running and just being outside, and I definitely want them to learn to be more active than they are, so I hope that in the end...we'll all be healthier and happier :)